What are the 7 sacraments?

  • Baptism
  • Confirmation
  • Eucharist
  • Confession
  • Marriage
  • Holy Orders
  • Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the three sacraments of initiation, is also the first of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. It removes the guilt and effects of Original Sin and incorporates the baptized into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on earth.

Infant Baptism

As a Roman Catholic parent, you have the right to present your children for Baptism in your own parish, which is either the one in which you are a registered, active member, or the one in which you live geographically. In Ottawa, you would belong to either the  French or the English parish in your area.

If you wish to have your children baptized at your parents’ (or other relatives) parish, they can make the request once you have from your own parish a letter stating that you a) have the permission of your pastor and b) have completed your own parish’s ‘Baptismal Preparation‘ program.

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Baptism At St. Monica Parish

  School Age Baptisms (4 years old and older) please contact the parish office for more information
  Teen / Adult Baptisms: please contact the office to enquire about the RCIA program (weekly meetings for at least six months).

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** Please ask the celebrating priest directly after any Mass for a Baptismal  package. Once completed submit it to the parish office.

Infant Baptisms generally are held in the afternoon on one designated Sunday a month (except during Lent & Advent). If you are a parishioner or resident of the parish, please contact the parish office to set up an interview.

Please note:

A date for Baptism will be set following the interview ONLY after we have received the following:

– completed registration forms

– a photocopy of the Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of at least one of the parents

– a photocopy of the Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the sponsor(s) /godparent(s)


If needed, in the case of mixed marriage:

a photocopy of the Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the sponsor (godparent).

a photocopy of the Baptismal Certificate of the non-Catholic witness  (godparent).

[You do not need two godparents, but you may have no more than two. If there are two, one must be male and the other female. They do not need to be married or related to each other. They do not need to be related to you. The parents of the child may not be the godparents.]

The date for the baptism of your child is conditional – before the child may be Baptized, you must attend one parent information meeting. The godparent(s) are welcome to attend the meeting.


If you wish to have the Baptism take place at another parish, the letter of permission will be issued after you attended the parent information meeting.

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The Sacrament of Confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of initiation because, historically, it was administered immediately after the Sacrament of Baptism. Confirmation perfects our baptism and brings us the graces of the Holy Spirit that were granted to the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday.

For Adult Confirmation: Please contact the parish office to register for Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)

School Age Confirmation:  To register your child for the sacrament of Confirmation, attend the parent only meeting.  Choose ONE of these meetings to attend:

Thur. Nov. 5, 2024 @ 7:00 pm  

Thur. Nov. 7, 2024 @ 7:00 pm   

Thur. Nov. 14, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 

ALL registration forms will be provided at the registration meeting.  

The program will be introduced and details about specific requirements will be covered.  

While Catholics in the West today normally make their First Communion before they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the reception of Christ’s Body and Blood, was historically the third of the three sacraments of initiation. This sacrament, the one we receive most often throughout our lives, is the source of great graces that sanctify us and help us grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is also sometimes called the Eucharist.

School Age Sacramental Preparation

 For ALL (both Catholic school and public school) baptized Catholic children (Grade 2).  The parish registration for reception of the  Sacrament of First Communion will be in OCTOBER.

First Communion Meetings (parents only) at: 

St. Monica Parish, 2080 Merivale Rd

Choose ONE of these meetings to attend:

Tues. Oct.  1, 2024 @ 7:00 pm  

Tues. Oct. 8, 2024@ 7:00pm

Thur. Oct  10, 2024 @ 7:00 pm   

ALL registration forms will be provided at the registration meeting.  

The program will be introduced and details about specific requirements will be covered.  

Confirmation registration will be in NOVEMBER.

Please call the parish office (613-723-9767 ext 2 or 1) for further information

The Sacrament of Confession, also known as the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is one of the least understood, and least utilized, sacraments in the Catholic Church. In reconciling us to God, it is a great source of grace, and Catholics are encouraged to take advantage of it often, even if they are not aware of having committed a mortal sin.

For Confession times, please see our Mass schedule tab


What is Marriage?

   Marriage, a lifelong, loving, life-giving and faithful relationship union between a man and a woman for procreation and mutual support, is a natural institution, but it is also one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. As a sacrament, it reflects the union of Jesus Christ and His Church. The Sacrament of Marriage is also known as the Sacrament of Matrimony.

What does the Catholic Church teach about Marriage?

In the broadest sense, the heart of the Church’s definition of marriage is the covenant union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others. As a sacrament, it also is a sign of God’s love for humanity and Christ’s love for the Church.

Every sacrament gives a grace to assist us according to the circumstances of our lives. The grace of the sacrament of marriage strengthens and supports married couples. It is not a magic wand that takes away all difficulties, but a free gift from God that perfects the love of husbands and wives for each other so that it might more and more reflect the love Christ has for his Church.

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If you would like to celebrate your wedding at St. Monica Church, please meet with the priest a minimum of six months prior to the proposed wedding date.

** We do not set a date for a wedding until there has been an interview with the couple. **

Please note there will be no Catholic weddings celebrated at any church anywhere on the weekend before Easter or on the Easter weekend itself.

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Celebrating Your Catholic Wedding – General Comments

Your Parish

Catholics have the right to be married in the church of the parish to which they belong, which is either the one in which you are a registered, active member, or the one in which you live geographically. You should note that in Ottawa, you would belong to either an English or a French parish.

Typically, if both parties are Catholic, the marriage takes place in the parish of the bride.

Your Parents’ Parish

There is also the option of being married in the church of the parish to which your parents belong.

While you will need to make an appointment for you and your fiancé(e) to see their pastor or the person responsible in order to set a date, all the formal preparation is done in your own parish.

Under particular circumstances, we can ask the Archbishop’s permission for a Catholic wedding to be celebrated in the church of another Christian denomination, by the pastor of that church. All the formal preparation would be exactly the same as for a wedding in a Catholic church.

Catholic weddings always take place in a church, and wherever you plan to marry, you first must contact your own parish to discuss the paperwork and the different options for a Marriage Preparation course.

Being Catholic

At least one of the couple must be able to show proof that you were (a) Baptized and Confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church, or (b) Received into the Church by Profession of Faith and then Confirmed. As long as you yourself have been both Baptized and Confirmed, if your fiancé(e) is a non-Catholic Christian, or even unbaptized, that is not necessarily a problem in itself.

Previous Marriage?

Please note that if either of you have been married before, under any circumstance, no date may be set for a wedding until, at the very least, all relevant documentation has been assessed by the Diocesan Chancery Office (613-738-5025). In the simplest cases, this takes one interview. In others, the process can be lengthy.

Weddings at St. Monica Church

First Interview

Before a date can be set for a wedding you both must meet with the priest. First introduce yourselves to him after one of our weekend Masses. (Members of St. Andrew Parish may introduce themselves to him after Mass at St. Joseph High School). Then an appointment time for the first interview will be set.

Wedding Date

Weddings typically are scheduled for a Friday afternoon or evening or for early on a Saturday afternoon. Upon setting a date and time for the wedding, you will receive a four-page form giving the details of the necessary documents, Marriage Preparation and ‘Pre-Nuptial Interview’ as well as an outline of the possibilities for the wedding ceremony and music.

Usually there is also a meeting to finalize the details of the wedding so that the rehearsal (if you wish one) will run smoothly.


There is a fee for an Ontario Marriage License – obtained through any Ontario City Hall.

There is a relatively modest fee payable to St. Monica Parish for the use of the church.

You make payment directly to any musician(s) you hire for your wedding.

Renting the hall for your reception is a separate matter.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Christ’s priesthood, which He bestowed upon His Apostles. There are three levels to this sacrament of ordination: the episcopate, the priesthood, and the diaconate.

Traditionally referred to as Extreme Unction or Last Rites, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered both to the dying and to those who are gravely ill or are about to undergo a serious operation, for the recovery of their health and for spiritual strength.

Please call the parish office (ext 221) to schedule an anointing of the sick.